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Sunday, January 09, 2005

I have so many questions...

.. in regards to actually publishing my full version of my Forget The Hype! ebook. At least I`ve finally decided on a price for it, and a 50% of all sales to affiliates, so I guess that`s something, huh?

I`ve been lucky enough to get some of my questions answered over on the Michael Green HowTo Forum. I love that place, it`s absolutely brilliant to just hang out there and learn all sorts of things that most of us probably haven`t even thought of when it comes to internet marketing.

So anyway, some of the questions I`ve been struggling with are things like these: Has anybody sold ebooks purely through Paypal? I know most would probably recommend using ClickBank, but for various reasons I`m not overly fond of ClickBank. How easy are other payment processors such as ibill and 2checkout? Is 50% good enough for affiliates? How do I go about protecting myself from people totally bypassing the affiliate program and selling the book themselves?

See, there`s lots to think about, and even more to figure out.

I did eventually get round to getting Adobe Acrobat Pro, which has definitely made the full version look TONS more professional than the free version does. Don`t get me wrong, the free version of PDF Factory Pro was brilliant for test purposes, and it did help me understand a lot about pdf creation, but Adobe just has so many more features.

So anyway, I`m off to see what else i can figure out....

Until next time: Have a blast!

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