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Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Free "Real Life Marketer Interviews" e-book by Anna-Marie Stewart

I did it! I finally finished the Real Life Marketer Interviews e-book! Woohoo!

And of course, after my NJAE subscribers, my b. l. o. g. readers are the first to know. Heck, I haven`t even put it up on the website or anything yet. I did let a couple of people have a sneak peek at it just before it was finished, and they loved it :~D

I decided to keep it as a freebie, free to own and free to give away. I must say though, the interviewees have offered up so many great hints and tips and so much practical advice that I would personally gladly pay for the book if I hadn`t written it myself... LOL, and you know me, I hate to pay for anything unless I really have to ;~)

Anyway, if you want the book, it`s available for download here:

Click image to get your copy now!

I really hope you enjoy the book, and that it might turn out to be a great freebie for you to pass along to others. Use it as a free gift on your website, or as something that people get if they subscribe to your optin lists or similar.

If you have any feeback, I`d love to hear it. If you have any ideas, hints tips or info that I might be able to use in future ebooks, please send them along to me too. If I use them, I`ll make sure you get a copy of the ebooks I use them in ;~)

Oh yeah, I`ve already started on Volume

Anyway, until next time....
Enjoy and happy reading :~)


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