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Saturday, February 05, 2005

Get ready for some paid advertising for FREE!

A very important mail I sent to my NJAE subscribers this week, and yes, I`ll post to this thing right after sending the next mail out about this ;~):

Well, according to the NJAE survey I ran, the thing that most of you are interested in is HOW to bring traffic to your websites.

Because of this, I joined a group of 100 marketers who are offering some great free advertising. Remember, I mentioned it in the ezine this week? Well, they just sent me a mail to send out to you, with a time and date so that you can be ready for the launch.

Me being me, I decided against sending out the standardized email and write to you myself instead :~D

All of the traffic options being offered are normally things that cost money, but for this "promotion" it's all free, and quite honestly, I can`t wait to get my hands on some of it.

Anyhow, launchdate is set to Sunday 6th Feb at 8AM EST, which means I`m going to have to be awake at 3am GMT to send you the mail, which I`m more than willing to do as a chance like this doesn`t come around too often :~)

So if YOU are one of the people who wants to get a ton of paid traffic to your site for the whole huge price of NOTHING, then watch out for a mail from me on Sunday at 8AM EST. I know, most people won't be awake then, but some of you will ;~)

I've no doubt a lot of you will be getting a LOT of emails about this on Sunday, from various lists you're subscribed to, and although I`d love you to get the traffic no matter WHO sends you to the site I`d feel really special if it was me.. hehehe

Oh, and by signing up for some of the traffic, you WILL be helping me out too, and I'll remember that :~D

Until next time...


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