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Friday, February 11, 2005

Some thoughts on a dreary Friday morning...

Wow, I woke up this morning to find that somebody had actually posted a comment on here, and not only that, but it was a really helpful one too. Very Very Cool. I actually didn`t know if anybody would ever find this thing interesting enough to leave a comment, maybe I should promote it more to see if I can get more visitors and more comments? I went and visited the posters b. l. o. g. and it`s pretty cool, so I`m gonna link to him under "Sites To See"

Anyway: Tim! A great big old thanks to you for being my first comment poster and for being so helpful. I`m glad you let me know that the clickbankbuddy and google ads on the same place isn`t allowed, I`d hate to lose the google account. So I removed the clickbankbuddy ads, I already have them on my main site anyway, so it wasn`t exactly any hardship to me ;~) Thanks again!

Apart from that, I was reading in a forum today that Paypal doesn`t have a masspay option in UK accounts????!!! Eeeeeek! Now what am I gonna do?? I was planning to use paypal to pay affiliates who sell my ebook for me. Anybody know if there`s any other options available, or do I just have to pay them one by one? Ugh, that`s looking like it could become hard

Hey, if any dog lovers should happen to drop by here, answer me this: why is my alsatian acting anorexic?? She keeps getting stages where she just won't eat! She goes really skinny and loses tons of fur. It looks awful. The vets couldn`t figure out what was up with her, even though I paid em close to £300. I mean, she`l start eating again suddenly, and look fine, but as soon as she`s nearing her heat cycle (which is WAY too often) she stops eating again... Weird dog... (I know, I know, this is totally "off-topic" but it`s REALLY got me perplexed.)

As for the FreeAdvertisingGiveaway, I was pleasantly surprised when they added a special one-time offer and I actually made a sale without realizing until I received $47 thru paypal. That was a GREAT way to start the morning :~D

Until next time


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