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Sunday, April 03, 2005

Let's Talk Website Reviews And Graphics

Would you like to show off your site and get a live, real-time review? See what people think of the look and feel of your site by coming in to our conference room at 5pm EST today (Sunday)

Read what Donna said about our conference room:

Dear Anna,
Thanks for the help you gave me during a chat over a week ago. I am the mother of eight who you gave ideas to. I have been working on articles about childrearing and other things for several days, now. I appreciate what you are doing. Keep up the good work!

Have you ever wanted to learn about graphics, or do you need someone to create graphics for you? If so, then I would highly recommend Gene Barry of

He does great graphics at very reasonable prices. I know he's hosting weekly graphics chats in his conference room, starting today, Sunday 4th April at 2pm EST. He will be showing a video or 2 on graphics design in Photoshop. They will be in html format so you can capture the url and bookmark it for later viewing ( cool huh! ).

The plan for Genes chats is for everyone to meet others in the graphics community and visit and show off their talent. So I would hazard a guess that people like me who know nothing about graphics might actually get to learn something.

You can download his conference room here:

Don't forget, Sunday 4th April at 2pm EST for Gene's Graphics chat, and Sunday 5pm EST for website reviews.

See you there!
Not Just Another Ezine

p.s. Remember, my room is open at all times, so if I'm not there at the time, shoot me an email at and I'll catch up with you as soon as possible.

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