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Thursday, July 07, 2005

We are thankful...

We finally received word that my cousin is ok. Perfectly fine even. She hadn't gone to work today, although she couldn't explain why. No matter. I'm glad she stayed home and is safe. We're extremely lucky. My heart goes out to all those who were not so lucky. I am so sorry.

I'm still amazed at how "few" people were actually killed, maimed and injured by these atrocious attacks. The London underground carries around 3 million people per day, and the buses do approximately 5 and a half million journeys per day.

The emergency services have done a brilliant job all day, we can probably thank all of the "practice runs" they've been doing in case anything like this should ever happen.

When I see how little panick there has been and how calmly everything has been dealt with, it reminds me of why I was always proud to be British. It hurts, of course it does. It's been a terrible ordeal for everybody involved, and it will hurt for a long time to come, but I do believe it will make our country stronger.


Hi Anna,

I saw the first reports on the news this morning. And you're right, it was amazing how well people remain composed and did not panic.

It's a very sad event, all the suffering, but just the same, I'm glad it was not worse. I think it's going to take a few more events like this to wake up the rest of the world that we need to put aside the analysis of how we all got into this situation and just stamp these people out.

In war, innocent people die all the time - and it's just a fact that more will. But how many more? The thing I find revolting is when people justify these violent behaviours by saying, "Well, if Tony Blair hadn't been such good friends with George Bush, this might have never happened..."

We really need to take the gloves off and destroy the cancer that's trying to take over the world body.

Then a nice discussion on what lead to it and how to prevent it can take place. Unfortunately, a lot of people still don't see it that way.

I could say a lot more, but I'll leave it at that.

Thanks for such a kind post. You're one of the few people who I consider reliably kind, honest and generous.

Gosh with 4 kids and 3 dogs? You sure as heck better be!


Sincerely yours,
Sam Freedom
You are so right Sam. It doesn't matter HOW the world got into this situation. What matters most is WHAT the people of the world can do to fix it.

It's total craziness and it happens to too many innocent people in too many places.

Do I hate the people behind this type of thing? No. Do I pity them? No. They are doing what they believe is right, no matter how wrong it may be.

All I know is that they WILL pay for their deeds, just as each and every one of us will. What comes around goes around and all that...

One of the greatest sayings ever said is "Do unto others as you would have them do to you". I'm not a religious person in any way, shape or form, but I do believe that if people lived by that saying, there'd be a lot less misery and pain in the world.

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