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Friday, August 12, 2005

My First $200 Day!

I ended up staying awake all of last night watching emails coming into my inbox saying "notification of payment received" to the total of $200. Imagine that! $200 in sales of MY OWN products! In a 24 hour period. God, I'm on such a high now that I'm even ignoring the pain from the dental work I had today hahahahaha.

There were a few sales of Forget The Hype but the majority of the sales were from my newest ebook Focus: The Key To Success. True to what I've written in the ebook, I set myself a goal and focused on reaching it, without letting anything get in the way. Here's what some people are saying about Focus: The Key To Success:

I just bought your book Anna and I'm impressed.
The old cliche' "Good things come in small packages" is Definitely true in this case.

For a little over $14 it's well worth the investment.

Paul Short

Hi Anna,

I felt like I had to write a little something to you about your latest book,
Focus: The Key To Success. I gotta say I have read it 3 times so far and each time I get a little more. I swear, it's like you were thinking of me when you wrote it! This is a great read for any busy person that feels sometimes like they just can't "get it together" (don't we all from time to time?)

For a smallish sized book it is power packed with insights, that I think are useful to just about anyone. In my honest opinion it is well worth what you charge and then some.

Good job, yet again!

Warmest wishes to you and yours,

Dennis Edell

Hi Anna.

Your latest eBook, FOCUS, made me do just that!

It is SO EASY to get 'off track' and your eBook certainly
details the 'negative effect' that that can have, both in
business and in your personal life as well.

I would recommend your eBook as being a very easy to
read and understand eBook, that covers the self-development
of ones self, by maintaining FOCUS and is relevant to everyone,
from all walks of life, both young AND old.

It's ALWAYS a bonus, too, when you get such information 'straight
from the horses mouth' so to speak. It makes it more believable. I
look forward to reading more of your inspirational eBooks.

Kind regards,

John in Adelaide, Australia
Author @

I have been lucky enough to receive many more testimonials like these, and will probably end up adding them to a page of their own linked to my salespage for Focus: The Key To Success someday. Hearing stuff like this about my own products just gives me a fantastic feeling of satisfaction.

If you ever thought 'I can't do that!' about anything, ever, then take a leaf out of my book and set yourself a goal, focus on your goal and really WANT it badly enough. No matter what anybody else tells you, if you do these things then you WILL create your own success.


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