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Wednesday, June 28, 2006
How To Keep Outlook Express “clean”
By Anna-Marie Stewart
When you're online, you'll eventually end up with lots of emails. Some you'll want to keep, others will be nothing but spam.
A great way to clean out your Outlook Express folders is to first make a backup of the messages you want to save, and then delete them from Outlook. It’s really easy to do, too. Just follow these steps:
1. Create a folder on desktop (rightclick desktop, choose new, folder)
2. Name folder whatever
3. Open Outlook Express
4. Click Create Mail
6. Put "mail archive" or some other name in subject line
7. Highlight all messages you want to save
8. Drag them into the new email message
9. Click file
10 Click Save As
11. Save to the folder you created
12. Check folder to make sure it’s done right
13. Save the folder to cd as backup
Now you can safely delete all messages in your OE without losing the ones you want to keep, as they'll be in your folder instead ;~)
Don’t put too many email messages into the one mail though, as it'll be a bugger to open again if it's too big. Make sure you name them differently if you do this more than once though, so that you don’t overwrite the first one.
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