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Tuesday, August 29, 2006

I'm looking for some very special jv offers...

Good evening :)

What I'm looking for is mega special deals for my subscribers and forum members. They have to be long-standing deals as I'm re-building my whole list of subscribers. (I deleted them all last week as it had gone a bit stale with me being offline for a year with my health). As of this writing I only have 110 subscribers and 20 forum members, but that will change in time.

You can see the ezine site here: and the forum here:

If you have anything you would like to offer, we could set up a place in the forum that you could moderate (like Jeffery and his hosting offer). I will make sure that any offers I add to the forum are exclusive to the people offering (in other words, I have a hosting offer and won't offer any other hosting). I think I have a traffic exchange offer on it's way, but nothing else as of yet.

Of course, this would be like perma-advertising for you as you would have links to your stuff on my ezine site and in my forum. Let me know if you're interested, or if you may be at some later date. Mail me at: admin at and we can work out the details.


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