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Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Everybody needs a break sometime

Help me out and I'll give you something for free, read on to find out what it is ;)

All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. Does it make YOU dull too? How about taking a break and playing some fun little games, for free of course?

Do you have 5 or 10 minutes to spare? I've just had my new site setup and although there's lots of ideas running through my head, I do need a few people to play a few games and test it out for me.

If you feel like playing some free online games then please do and let me know how the site works for you, such as load times, how it looks in various browsers etc etc. You can contact me through the site with your feedback. I would really appreciate it.

I would like to take this opportunity to offer you a brand new free report I made called Niches and Networking. To take advantage of this please rightclick here and choose save as to download it:

This report is free for you to keep, give away or sell. You can get a customized copy of this report by signing up to the Real Life Internet Marketer Interviews affiliate program here:

Current commissions are set at 60% per sale.

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Thanks again

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