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Saturday, October 07, 2006

Free Report: Niches And Networking

Time for a Fresh New Freebie

I was going to sell this new report but decided against it as it wouldn't be fair on the warriors who contributed, so here goes...

I've been looking for a way to say Thank You to warriors for all the help they've given me in my time over on the Warrior Forum and finally came up with a way I thought would be good.

The Warrior Forum is a great community where marketers help each other all of the time, if you haven't heard of it yet, you're missing out on a pure golden nugget.

Anyway, I posed a few questions recently and got some great replies. I created a report that I'm positive will help you get some ideas to use in finding niches and/or networking.

It's just a short report, 14 or so pages, but full of great things for you to think about. (There's also an extra free gift hidden in there.)

So without further ado, rightclick this link Niches_and_Networking.pdf and save the pdf somewhere that you KNOW you'll find it again.

It won't take you long to read, and if it doesn't give you at least ONE idea, then I've failed in my mission ;)

Please do post here and let me know what you think of the report.

Did you find this helpful? please leave a comment.

p.s. Have you visited my Real Life Marketers Get-Together forum and posted your free ad yet?

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