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Visit and play over 3000 of your favourite online games for free!

Thanks to for the fantastic banner for my new arcade site.

Friday, December 22, 2006

New Site Gets New Graphics

I've been incredibly busy with the new games site lately. I've now got over 3000 games on there, and am working on quite a few advertising options for visitors and registered users. I'm having a lot of fun with TrafficGamers, and although it's barely a month old it's already getting between 300-500 unique vistors per 24 hours.

I bought a chat script for it, and have set that for members only for now and I just bought a bunch of custom made graphics from Keith over at Outlaw-FX. He did a fantastic job, especially as I didn't even know what I wanted. He came up with the whole design and had 5 graphics ready for me in the space of 2 hours!!! Fantastic man and well worth hiring if you need graphics!

Take a look at these and see what you think:

So this is what I've been up to lately, and the past couple of days I've been hunting out link exchanges with similar type sites. It's going quite well but I still need more before I can get some good pagerank on Google. What I need most is one-way links, so that's next on the agenda, as they are much more important than reciprocal links.

The good thing about recip. linking with other arcades and games sites is that a lot of them have a good size members list, and my site has more games than theirs, so some of their members might just mosey on over to take a look ;)

Anyway, that's all for now. Take care and have a blast!


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